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parkinson’s disease, obscure mechanism, obscure treatment!

February 26th, 2012

PD is proved to be due to degeneration  of dopamine in brain. There are many theories which describe why their is shortage of dopamine in the brain. Mechanism is known for almost 5 decades one, but still there is not treatment yet. Quality of life is significantly improved though, desirable outcome of  complete cure is still beyond reach.. Is mechanism obscure, or treatment is weird?
 There are suggestions like Better you engage brain, slower degeneration of dopamine. Exercise like Tai chi, yoga and stretching exercises are advised. 
 On parkinson’s disease, new and intriguing finding are reported every day, extensive research is need of hour though. 

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  1. March 1st, 2012 at 02:06 | #1

    A combination of cardio vascular, stretching, and weight traiining has been very beneficial in preventing limitation of movement. As well as improving quality of life.
    The daily routine I follow is as follows:
    5 mins. Intense Eleptical training, 30 mins. Moderately intense stationary cycling. The next day.
    Alternating with 15 mins stretching, 20 mins of 12 repetitions of weight training to work out upper and lower limbs muscles as well as back,shoulders and abdominal muscles.
    This is,of course, in addition to routine medication.

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