
Archive for February, 2012

Tai chi benefits Parkinson’s patients!

February 27th, 2012 Comments off

The recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine focuses on the association between tai chi and Parkinson’s disease. 195 Parkinson’s patients wer randomized assigned got the intervention of exercises- tai chi, stretching, and resistant training. All 195 patients were decided on the basis of type of exercise. Intervention included exercise for an hour a day,twice in a week for six months. 
After six months, falls were significantly reduced in the patients practicing tai Chi. in addition, balance posture was more ate loses in patients who received thie dose of tai chi as intervention. 
Great study by Dr.Li! 

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parkinson’s disease, obscure mechanism, obscure treatment!

February 26th, 2012 1 comment

PD is proved to be due to degeneration  of dopamine in brain. There are many theories which describe why their is shortage of dopamine in the brain. Mechanism is known for almost 5 decades one, but still there is not treatment yet. Quality of life is significantly improved though, desirable outcome of  complete cure is still beyond reach.. Is mechanism obscure, or treatment is weird?
 There are suggestions like Better you engage brain, slower degeneration of dopamine. Exercise like Tai chi, yoga and stretching exercises are advised. 
 On parkinson’s disease, new and intriguing finding are reported every day, extensive research is need of hour though. 

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Psychiatric patients in jail?

February 19th, 2012 Comments off

Just today morning, I read NT times article’ psychiatric paietns, no way to go but jail”. Chicago’s  of closing down few mental health clinic would affect the mental health care provided to jail population as well as component of general population suffering from mental health illnesses. It would cause changes in behavior which in turn would foster criminal activities. More psychiatric patients will land up in jail, and number of prisoners trapping in mental health illnesses would increase. Vicious cycle! If we think of humane side of the issue, isn’t it cruel treating  psychiatric patients like criminal? 

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Mental health and Ghana!

February 15th, 2012 Comments off

Stigma is a major impediment to the mental health care in Ghana.When a patient suffering from mental illness is rejected by families, government should embrace patients with open heart, not by words alone but with Ghana, for the population of 24 million, there are only 12 psychiatrists. It is estimated that around  ten percent population of Ghana suffers from mental health illness of sonme kind. To cater to their need, Government should spend seven percent of health care expenses on the mental health care.  Mental health billis already in pipeline, and if passed, it could bring smiles on many mental health patients. Even bill is passed, enforcement would remain a  big worry.

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